Social Media Policies
HBCD Study Social Media Policies
Endorsements: Follows, posts, and external links do not indicate endorsement. The HBCD Study Consortium, HBCD Study research sites, and the NIH (aka, HBCD Study Partners) do not endorse or recommend any commercial products, processes, or services. The views, opinions, and information expressed in posts on HBCD Study social media accounts do not necessarily state or reflect those of HBCD Study Partners, and may not be used for advertising or endorsement purposes.
Linking: Outside groups are welcome to link to any HBCD Study post or webpage, as long as HBCD Study Partners do not appear to endorse any commercial products, processes, or services. Links should not be posted in any way that would suggest such an endorsement.
Commenting: Social Media platforms are public. Posts can be viewed by other people and by a broader audience. Please do not post or share any personal, medical, or contact information to us (HBCD Study Partners) or in response to our posts. If you have a question, we encourage you to visit https://hbcdstudy.org/find-a-recruitment-site/ and contact the research site nearest you.
We reserve the right to determine which comments violate our comment policy. We also reserve the right to remove comments. The views expressed in posted comments do not necessarily reflect the views of HBCD Study Partners.
We ask that posts and comments on our social media accounts:
- Do not include any personal or medical information, like full names, contact information (such as phone numbers or addresses) and birth dates. Your privacy is important to us.
- Stay on topic. All views are welcome and valued. However, comments should be directly related to the posts featured on these accounts.
- Be respectful. Personal attacks, profanity, and aggressive behavior are prohibited. Starting arguments in a disrespectful way is also prohibited.
- Tell the truth. Posting misleading or false information is prohibited.
- Do not include spam. Repeated posting of the same or very similar content is prohibited. Posts aggressively promoting services or products are also prohibited.